Our Approach to Nutrition Science at flok

Estimation & Analysis | Cook for Love | Research| Resources
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Daily Care in the Palm of Your Hand

The flok app is the first daily care management tool for inherited disorders of protein metabolism.

What's in a Protein?

The baseline treatment for inherited disorders of protein metabolism is a low-protein diet.

Managing a diet based on strictly-regulated amino acid intake is not easy. Historically, much of the data on amino acid content was based on analysis from the USDA and similar sources. But these agencies can't keep pace with the hunger of our community for new and diverse foods, and the innovation of brands using new and creative ingredients. 

flok's nutrition science work covers six essential amino acids to ensure that our entire community has access to vital nutritional data to support their health.

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Supporting the Low-Protein Diet

Behind the Label

USDA labeling guidelines provide insufficient information to manage a low-protein metabolic diet. 

The Low Protein Food List, our pocket books , and HowMuchPhe.org are essential tools for dietary management, backed by our registered dietitian-nutritionist staff. 

Feeding our flok

The low-protein diet is restrictive and repetitive. When new foods come to market The Partnership for PKU helps brands understand our needs and lets community members advocate for themselves, to the benefit of the entire community. 

Amino Acid Analysis Program

When unrounded protein isn't enough, our amino acid analysis program uses a dual-lab, controlled protocol to assess amino acid content in single ingredients and prepared foods. 

Our Partner: Eurofins Scientific 

You may not love to cook. But sometimes you have to Cook for Love.

Brenda Winiarksi founded Cook for Love when her daughter was diagnosed so that no one with a protein-limited diet would ever have to limit their enjoyment of food. With credentials from the Chef Training Program at the Natural Gourmet Institute for Health and Culinary Arts, she developed not only a library of recipes, but a supportive and creative community that loves to cook low-pro. In 2018, Cook for Love became a project of (then) National PKU News and remains a key part of flok. Backed by the nutritional engine of flok, CookForLove.org allows community members to create and share recipes with confidence.   

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Research Opportunities

The Simplified Diet

Unique to dietary practices in PKU and Tyrosinemia, the Simplified Diet is unevenly practiced throughout North America. Our research on how patients, families, and clincians understand the practice was presented in a poster and workshop at the Genetic Metabolic Dietitans International (GMDI) conferences in 2021 and 2022. 

Collaborating with Dietitians

As the USDA discontinues amino acid testing, we're working with GMDI and their food database for clinicians, Metabolic Pro, to make sure we're in sync and providing the best data available to our community. 

Exciting Frontiers

As flok expands to cover six essential amino acids, analysis of USDA and other data will help us learn more about their ratios in relation to dietary protein. Machine learning models to predict protein and amino acid levels in food are a potential avenue of progress. 


How Much Phe

The premier dietary management tool for the metabolic low-protein diet, How Much Phe provides access to protein, phe, and calorie data for more than 10,000 foods. On average, one new food is added to the database per day.

Pocket Books

Every newborn diagnosed in North America receives the Baby Book free of charge. The Essentials, The Maternal Edition, and our newest offering, Cuanta Fa?, are essential quick reference guides to the low-pro diet. 

Educational Resources

From the best low-protein Halloween candy to the most important inclusions for a 504 plan, to webinars on insurance and advocacy, flok's resources help our community meet the challenges of their diet with confidence.