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Stronger Together: Uniting our flok

Stronger Together: Uniting our flok

Community is essential to flok: it fundamentally drives our vision, learning, and success. We expanded our mission to serve the broader metabolic community... more »

Beta Test the flok app: The Role of Community in App Development and Readiness

Beta Test the flok app: The Role of Community in App Development and Readiness

As a comprehensive health tool designed for you by people like you, the flok app unlocks a holistic, data-driven approach to managing your metabolic... more »

flok in Flight: Our Community

flok in Flight: Our Community

We're well into floktober, which means PKU News has begun its transformation into flok, an organization with an expanded mission to advance care and... more »

Exploring the flok app

Exploring the flok app

The flok app: Empowering us to Improve our Care and Daily Life SIGN UP TO TEST THE APP! In the 1980s, the PKU community had no standardized dietary... more »

F-L-O-K or flok?

F-L-O-K or flok?

PKU News recently announced that we’re changing our name to flok and expanding our mission. This is one in a series of posts designed to explore... more »

PKU News becomes flok!

PKU News becomes flok!

As we celebrate Newborn Screening Awareness Month, PKU News is thrilled to share important news for everyone connected to our inherited metabolic... more »